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SQA is delighted to sponsor the 2015 conference


Assessment Tomorrow

Edinburgh 2015 - 9th e-Assessment Conference

‘Curriculum for Excellence - a Digital Opportunity
29th January 2015 at Grosvenor Hilton Edinburgh

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Changing the text size: Web browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer usually come with a simple route to changing the text size of a web page.

If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, most browsers allow you to alter the text size by holding down 'Ctrl' and moving the wheel.

Microsoft Internet Explorer: Select 'View' from the menu bar at the top of the window, then 'Text size' and select a size from those available. You can go back and select 'Medium' as the size to get back to the browser's default setting.

Mozilla Firefox: Select 'View' from the menu bar at the top of the window, then 'Text Size' and select either 'Increase' or 'Decrease'. You can go back and select 'Normal' to get back to the browser's default setting.

Opera: Select 'View' from the menu bar at the top of the window, then 'Zoom' and select an option higher than 100%. You can go back and select '100%' to get back to the browser's default setting.

Apple Safari: Select 'View' from the menu bar at the top of the screen, then 'Make Text Bigger'. You can use the 'Make Text Smaller' option to get back to the browser's default setting.

Note that this page's text is larger anyway by default to ensure you can read these instructions

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